Psychology Today looks at the Effects of Art Therapy
In Psychology Today, Dr. Cathy Malchiodi reports on a study investigating the “effects of art therapy on the recovery process in groups of adults with personality disorders.”
The study, originally published in the September 2015 edition of The Arts in Psychotherapy, used individual interviews from which researchers were able to determine the usefulness of art therapy on patients’ perception and self-perception, personal integration, emotion and impulse regulation, behavior change, and insight and comprehension.
Dr. Malchiodi cites the importance of this study in “constructing an integrated theoretical model” for further research. “Undoubtedly,” writes Dr. Malchiodi, “this study should ignite a conversation on just how art therapy works to benefit individuals and what relational role the art therapist plays in the mix of art making, individual and practitioner.”
Read the full article at Psychology Today: