ITA’s Music Program Gets a New Name
ITA and Silverado partnered this past year to run the Bridging Memory through Music program at Silverado’s Morton Grove location. Recently, Silverado published a video about the program and collaboration that features ITA’s Jenni Rook and Northwestern University’s Dr. Borna Bonakdarpour. Take a look, as the video highlights the work that ITA’s staff did with those residents and learn how music can affect the human brain.
As this program has grown and evolved, so has the name! We’re excited to announce that this program will now be titled, ‘Musical Bridges to Memory’. The purpose of the Musical Bridges to Memory program is to provide an enriching and meaningful music experience for adults with dementia to facilitate social connection, memory recall, engagement with music stimuli, and positive interactions with their family members all under the direction of music therapists. We are looking forward to another year of implementing our program, which will begin again in January 2019. We are already beginning our search for volunteer companions to participate in the program this spring, which will run for 12-weeks on Saturday afternoons. If you are interested in participating, please contact Amanda Ziemba for more information on volunteer opportunities: aziemba@itachicago.org.