ITA Board Member and Special Education Attorney Jill Calian Weighs in on Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District
ITA Board Member Jill Thompson Calian, who also serves as CASE (Citizens for Appropriate Special Education) Board President has recently shared her expert perspective regarding the recent Supreme Court decision concerning special education. If you’ve been following the Endrew F. v. Douglas Count School District case, you may already know that a ruling has been reached that will affect children with disabilities. What does this mean? As Calian explains in the April 2017 CASE Newsletter, the ruling works in favor of children with disabilities, and essentially “raises the bar” for the education standard due them.
The Supreme Court reinterpreted the F.A.P.E. (free appropriate public education) standard that is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (“I.D.E.A.”) to require that a child’s Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) must be reasonably calculated to enable a child to make some real educational growth. Calian, who is a special education attorney, crafted a clean, crisp writeup expressing her viewpoint on this case and all its relevant components, complete with explanations of those components. To read her article and access a highly valuable insight, click here.