Tell us about your background.
I’m originally from Gothenburg, Sweden, and grew up in San Diego, California. I discovered my passion for art history and psychology during my first year at Macalester College. After two years of working in the campus gallery, I transitioned to working with multi-faith design and art programming at the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
What projects are you working on?
As an administrative intern at ITA, I work with Maris Harrington who is the Director of Philanthropy. My main projects include creating a newsletter for the Lamplighter donor community and researching current mental health needs within different demographics. The most memorable experiences so far have been shadowing board and consulting meetings. Witnessing the communication and task management patterns of accomplished individuals in their fields is really inspiring to my own professional development.
What makes ITA unique?
My favorite thing about ITA is the collaborative culture within the staff and interns. I’m able to reach out to people outside of my supervisor for guidance in projects spanning from donor database management to graphic design. I also hold the overall mission of ITA really close to my heart. I fully believe that Creative Arts Therapy has the power to be one of the most effective, inclusive, and accessible forms of healing whether the client is dealing with issues from psychosomatic traumas to communication barriers.
How does this internship fit into your future career goals?
Having the freedom to travel is a huge component of my dream career. I would love to be able to meet people from different backgrounds and build relationships with creatives, healers, and entrepreneurs that are passionate about what they do. My dream is to work with religious and spiritual artwork to create multi-sensory experiences that guide people to feel more connected to their emotional and spiritual sides and to each other. ITA fits into my path by combining creative expression with a mission to support others in their healing journeys.