Liz Muckley Set to Receive Service Award in Boston this October
ITA is proud to announce that our Drama Therapist, Liz Muckley, LCPC, RDT-BCT, has been selected to receive the North American Drama Therapy Association’s Service Award. The award will be presented at the Annual NADTA Conference taking place this October 26th through 29th in Boston, Massachusetts. NADTA describes the Service Award on their website as:
The NADTA Service Award is given to recognize a member who has volunteered substantial time and effort serving the association on committees, subcommittees, or regional chapters on a specific project or series of projects.
Liz has been the Chairperson of NADTA’s Registry Committee since November 2012. The Committee is in charge of the review process for all applications for the Drama Therapy credential, the RDT (Registered Drama Therapist). Up to approximately 35 applications are submitted every year. The committee (comprised of Liz and 4 other RDT’s) is seen as the body charged with upholding their standards of ethics and professionalism through adhering to a rigorous review process.
As Chairperson of the Committee, Liz is also the person who answers questions regarding the Registry application process throughout the year and offers a Registry Application Review session at the yearly conference. Liz logs over 100 hours per year discharging the responsibilities of this position.
Liz has been a Drama Therapist at ITA since November 2014. She sees 13 individual clients and is in training to become an intake clinician. Liz has also been Adjunct Faculty at Adler University since January 2016, teaching in the Master’s of Arts in Counseling and Art Therapy Department. She is a resident of Evanston.
Congratulations to Liz! ITA is honored to be staffed with such recognizable talent! To learn more about Liz, visit her bio page at www.itachicago.org/liz-muckley.
Congrats Liz!! A truly deserved honor and recognition for all your amazing work!