As part of ITA’s premier donor community, Lamplighters form deeper connections to ITA and its mission, enabling a greater number of people to receive creative arts therapy and illuminating a path toward growth and healing.
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
Albert Schweitzer
ITA is grateful for all those who illuminate the path forward towards new possibilities through their generous support and partnership including the following individuals, foundations and corporations:
(Gifts made between 9/1/2019 and 12/28/2021)
Anonymous (1)
Evanston Community Foundation
Daniel A. Richman
Natalie Schleifer
The Chicago Community Trust
New Trier Township
Alexandra and John Nichols
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Jill and Mr. Philip Calian
Dementia Society of America
Marilyn Richman
Anonymous (2)
Karen and Marc Baumann
Susan Canter
Tracy and Michael Canter
Evanston Community Bank & Trust
Daniel and Lisa Gallas
Neil and Lynne Golden
Stephen Hagerty and Lisa M. Altenbernd
Terry and Nancy Handley
Laura and Leonard Loventhal
Heather McClelland and Kathryne Starzec
Elizabeth Richman and Mitchell Dayan
Mr. Allan Spear
Mr. William and Mrs. Denise Topaz
Virginia Trainor
Anonymous (1)
Mrs. Betsy and Mr. Bill Baker
Catherine Cooper and Marshall Greenwald
Deryl and Andrea Couch
Evanston Art Center
Mr. Christian Farr and Ms. Karen Jordan
Mary and Paul Finnegan
Michelle and Robert Friedman
Mrs. Susan Frolichstein
David and Patty Grant
Robert Hirsch
Bob and Judy Holstein
Steven and Susan Insoft
John Bean Technologies Corp.
Mr. David Kleiman
Mr. Noam Lockshin and Mrs. Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin
Jackie Mack
Michelle & James Marvin
Mrs. Lois Melvoin
Jeffrey and Martha Melvoin
NBC 5 Chicago
Northwestern University Neighbor and Community Relations
Open Studio Meditation
Eric Robb
Joe & Karolyn Rook
Drs. Marni Rosen and Elie Saltzman
Rita Spitz and David Blears
Mr. Josh Ticho
Marilyn Price
Walt Disney Corporation
William Blair
ITA is honored to be a recipient of the Building the Future major gifts challenge sponsored by the Evanston Community Foundation. Thanks to their leadership and support, the following generous donors allowed ITA to benefit from a $25,000 matching grant and complete the matching major gift challenge, enabling ITA to serve an increasing demand for Creative Arts Therapy in our communities.
Anonymous (3)
Susan Canter
Neil and Lynne Golden
Stephen H. Hagerty and Lisa M. Altenbernd
Heather McClelland and Kathryne Starzec
Allan Spear
Natalie Schleifer & the Jack P. Schleifer Foundation
William and Denise Topaz
To learn more about the Lamplighter Society and how your support can help illuminate a path to new possibilities through Creative Arts Therapies, please contact:
Phone: 847-425-9708 | Email: