Presentation for Veterans and their Loved Ones Demonstrated Healing Power of Music Therapy
Music therapy intern John Head gave two 90-minute presentations entitled “Music Therapy for the Fallen” on Sunday March 19th at the Eaglewood Resort in Itasca, IL for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) Chicago Regional Survivor Seminar. TAPS is a non-profit organization that provides free services for individuals and families that have lost a loved one who served in the armed forces.
John’s presentation focused on how music therapy can provide individuals and families suffering from grief and trauma with coping skills. It was an emotional experience for the participants, who expressed their stories through songwriting and group singing. The participants also directed John to change how familiar songs were performed to honor the memory of their loved one.
Find out more about TAPS here and learn how you can get involved in this wonderful organization!