During the annual North American Drama Therapy Association conference this year, the Diversity Committee launched an initiative and asked its members to contribute to the #DramaTherapistsAgainstWhiteSupremacy campaign. This is a culmination of a two-year collaborative effort created under the leadership of past Diversity Chair Jessica Bleuer, Adam Stevens, the current Diversity Committee and the 134 members who responded to a call to action, sharing what they wanted to see NADTA members do to fight white supremacy.
#DramaTherapistsAgainstWhiteSupremacy also emerged from the 2017 NADTA Racial Justice Dialogues series where 200+ members and allied professionals participated in conversations about racial identity, racial discrimination and allyship. Many of these dialogues ended with a call to action, with many participants asking, “and now what?”. #DramaTherapistsAgainstWhiteSupremacy responds to this call and hopes to incite a community-wide initiative that challenges racism through concrete actions.