Executive Director Jenni Rook Featured as Special Guest on The Lisa D Show
With our Grand Opening behind us and our 3rd Annual Creative Arts Therapy Conference ahead of us, ITA has a lot to talk about. Executive Director Jenni Rook was delighted to receive a visit from Lisa Degliantoni, host of podcast The Lisa D Show, to cover the aforementioned, the origins and workings of the creative arts therapies, and much more.
Degliantoni’s show describes itself as a source that celebrates creatives in 20-minute, unedited conversations that mimic the feel of a live radio show. ITA’s hybridizing of psychotherapy and art modalities plus Rook’s music therapy career made her the perfect guest to unveil another wellspring of unique interconnectivity within the Evanston community.
Just on the coattails of a major relocation to a brand new, therapy-oriented space, the timing of ITA’s Open House could not have been more apt. “We have a really great space that’s bright and sunny with yellow walls and beautiful windows … lots of color. We were able to build out the space for our needs, which are really unique,” said Rook.
The pair also touched on the creative arts therapies’ historical link to World War II veterans, music therapy’s ever-growing scope of recognition and its backing by scientific evidence, and the specialized education and training that creative arts therapists must successfully complete in order to practice. “It’s exciting to me that there is more research being done in the field of neuroscience; people are really looking at the brain and how the arts can help to shape and mold the brain when we’re younger, but also to continue to promote change within the brain when we get older. So, I see the body of research growing within our fields, but also outside of our fields, and all of that is really positive.”
To listen to the full interview, visit https://soundcloud.com/lisa-degliantoni/jenni-rook, and visit Lisa’s blog at http://thelisadshow.blogspot.com/2018/03/jenni-rook-on-creative-methods-of-art.html.